Field Trip Safety Procedures/Policies
1. Teachers will select field trips that are appropriate for students and enrich the academic learning in the classrooms.
2. Teachers will plan for and be prepared for minor emergencies. Teachers will have available
- A portable first aid kit
- Emergency contact numbers for each child
3. Teachers will monitor and instruct students on appropriate behavior when boarding, exiting and riding the bus
4. Teachers will monitor and instruct students on appropriate behavior for the specific area and experiences that they will encounter on the field trip: attentive audience member, respect other people present, crossing the street, handling artifacts...
5. Students will be supervised by a responsible adult at all times. No student should be allowed away from the group by his/herself.
6. Students will abide by all school rules and procedures while on the bus and field trips. Chapter 19 will be in effect. Teachers have the authority to enforce Chapter 19 discipline.
7. In the event of an injury, teacher will call for assistance from another adult. Adults will tend to injuries, maintain order and keep other students calm and away from injured student. An “Accident Report” form will be completed upon return to school and parents will be informed of the injury.
8. In the event of an emergency, the teacher will seek immediate help. Teachers will determine whether parents should be called to meet the injured student at the site or whether emergency services are needed. School administration and parents will be informed whenever there is an emergency situation. An “Accident Report” form will be completed upon return to school and parents will be informed of the extent of the injury.