Student Conduct (Chapter 19)
Every student has the right to an education in a safe, nurturing environment that is conducive to learning. It is equally important that learners demonstrate respect for each other. Abiding by all school rules/regulations and community/state laws will assure such an environment.
Code of Conduct
The Hawai’i Board of Education has established the Student Code of Conduct as described in Policy #4010. The student conduct code applies to all students in the public school system, during school hours, and on school premises, or during any supervised activities on or off school property.
Regular Attendance: Students are expected to attend school regularly and to attend all classes. Students shall remain within school boundaries at all times. Students leaving the campus during school hours must have permission from the office and must be accompanied by an adult.
Punctuality: Students are expected to be on time for school and classes.
Work Habits: Students are expected to be prepared for and to participate in each class to meet performance standards, to have the necessary class materials, to complete class work and homework accurately and on time, and to prepare for quizzes, tests, and examinations.
Respect for Authority: Students are expected to comply with all school rules and to obey all laws. Students are expected to respond in a respectful manner to all adults. Signing another person's name (i.e. your parents) is prohibited.
Respect for Property: Students are expected to treat all property belonging to the school and others with care and help to keep our campus clean and beautiful. Discard litter in trashcans. For sanitary reasons, gum chewing is not permitted.
Freedom from Fear: Students are expected to contribute to a safe school environment free from fear. Acts of violence, weapons and contraband are never acceptable.
Respect for Self and Others: Students are expected to be honest, behave with dignity and treat others with respect and courtesy. Behavior of the individual should not interfere with the rights of others. This includes the use of inappropriate language, actions and attire. Students are expected not to harass others verbally and physically. Students shall attempt to resolve differences with another student by discussing the problem and seeking adult assistance. Teasing and Fighting are unacceptable.
1. Students shall demonstrate self-control in and out of the classroom (no yelling, obscenities or rude gestures, threats, racial slurs, spreading rumors, running on walkways/stairs, rough play, fighting, or disorderly behavior)
2. Students shall not possess and/or use contraband on school property or at school-sponsored events. To avoid problems of loss or misplacement, expensive personal items and large sums of money are not to be brought to school. There is to be no unauthorized selling or buying of items in school.
The following items are examples of contraband items not to be brought to school and will be confiscated:
- DANGEROUS INSTRUMENT/WEAPONS: fireworks, pepper spray, laser pens, knives, martial arts devices, razors, pipes, any sharp implement, guns including air guns, look alike guns and/or ammunition.
- DANGEROUS or INTOXICATING SUBSTANCE/PARAPHERNALIA: lighters/matches, flammable liquids, syringes, clips, pipes, and any controlled substances/drugs.TOBACCO: cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or other tobacco items
- GANG PARAPHERNALIA: “rags” representing gang colors, caps/shirts with gang symbols and logos. TOYS: water guns, skateboards, rollerblades, heelys, yoyos, balls, trading/game cards, electronics (mp3 players, games, cameras…)
- ANY ITEM may cause distraction from learning or bodily injury: cell phones, pagers, e-cigarettes, hats and sun glasses used indoors, platform shoes...
3. Students shall demonstrate good grooming and wear appropriate clothing to school (no short shorts/skirts, crop tops, halter tops, spaghetti straps or strapless, low-rise pants that reveal undergarments, or shirts that promote inappropriate, violent or illegal activities/substances)
Footwear is mandatory. Covered athletic type shoes is required for all fieldtrips and for participation in Physical Education. Crocs and other slip on shoes are not appropriate on field trips.
Disciplinary Rules
Consequences are a part of the learning process to help students develop self-control and a sense of responsibility to self and others. Effective guidance requires the cooperative efforts of teachers, parents, and the administration. It is only through consistency that we can help our children become responsible citizens and individuals.
Disciplinary rules specify four classes of offenses and are listed in A, B, C, and D.
Class A Offenses: reported to Administration, who will determine if police involvement needed. Offenses include but are not limited to: assault, burglary, possession or use of dangerous weapons; possession, use or sale of illicit substances; property damage; robbery, sexual offense, and terroristic threatening.
Class B Offenses: reported to Administration, who will determine if police involvement needed. Offenses include but are not limited to: disorderly conduct; rendering of false alarm; gambling; harassment; theft, and trespassing.
Class C Offenses: Administration and police not required. Offenses include but are not limited to: class cutting, insubordination, leaving campus without consent, and use of tobacco substance.
Class D Offenses: Administration and police not required. Offenses include any school prohibited conduct.
In accordance with Act 90 "Zero-Tolerance," any child found to be in possession of a dangerous weapon, intoxicating liquor, or illicit drugs while attending school, may be excluded from school for up to ninety (92) school days. Any student found to be in possession of a firearm shall be dismissed from school for not less than a one year period.