School Guidelines on Absences and Off-Campus Release
Parents/guardians are responsible for reporting absences on the first day that the student is absent.
- School should be contacted before 8:30 a.m.
- The school will excuse an absence when written documentation is submitted informing the school that the absence is for one of the following:
Excused Absences
- Illness, injury, quarantine (chicken pox, measles, etc.), verifiable by a doctor’s note (required for 5 or more days)
- Doctor/Dental appointment verifiable by a doctor’s note
- Death in the family
- Court attendance/approval
- Other activities approved by the principal or designee prior to absence
Unexcused Absences may include the following activities:
- Caring for siblings/other children or other family members
- Entertaining visitors/guests
- No ride available
- Family vacations (on/off island), trips*
- Personal business/parent request without explanation*
- Sports competition events/ youth camps*
*NOTE: Parents must notify the school using the Expected Absence Form as soon as plans for any extended absences have been made. Extended absences are highly discouraged. The parent should meet with the school administration to discuss the educational arrangements.
- The student’s absence note should include the following information:
- Date note was written
- Child’ first and last legal name
- Grade level
- Date(s) of absences
- Reason for absences
- Phone number(s) where parents/guardians can be contacted
- Parent/Legal guardian’s signature.
- Homework/Make-up work may be requested by the parent/guardian through the school office. All requests made by 8:30 a.m. will be available at the front office after 2:00 p.m. You may call the front office to confirm that there are assignments for your child before coming to the school.
Release Off-Campus during school hours
If a student must leave campus due to a medical, dental or legal appointment, inform the teacher and school office ahead of time. Every effort will be made to have the child at the office and ready for pick-up. A parent must sign-out at the office and pick-up an off campus Student Pass. Students will not be released directly to parents from the classroom without a Student Pass. Parents should provide a letter in advance if someone other than a parent will be signing the child out from school.
Students missing more that half of the school day will be marked absent for the day.