School Policies » Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

Emergency Preparedness

The Waiau staff is prepared for any emergency. We practice monthly fire drills as well as lockdown, shelter-in-place and evacuation drills. We work closely with the DOE and HPD to continuously update our procedures and prepare for any emergency situation.

Our SchoolConnects automated telephone system can deliver a wide variety of messages. This includes notification of school emergencies and school closures for any reason.

It is essential that parents/guardians update their child's emergency contact information. In the event of an emergency, we need to be able to contact someone quickly.

Emergency Procedures

Closing Of The School:
  • If weather conditions are bad, before school opens, listen to news media (radio, television) for any announced school closures.
  • If school is in session and school must be closed (no water, bad weather…), the following will occur:
    • News media will be informed and
    • Parents/guardian will be contacted to pick up students at the classroom. There will be no bus delivery in an emergency situation.
Lock down/Shelter in Place

If shelter needs to be provided due to a threatening situation:
  • Lock down alarm will sound and staff will follow procedures to ensure everyone on campus is safe and accounted for.
  • School will notify emergency personnel (Fire, police, DOH, etc.) for assistance
  • Parents should not come to school, call the school or call a student’s cell phone. Phone lines are needed for emergency personnel. Students need to focus on the instructions from the teachers.
  • Command Team (Administration and emergency personnel) will handle the situation and determine whether it is safe to resume school, close school, or if an evacuation is needed.
Evacuation Of School

If it is not safe to remain on campus:

  • Evacuation alarm will sound and staff will follow procedures for evacuation to site 1: Waiau Neighborhood Park, ensuring that everyone is safe and accounted for.
  • A sign will be posted at the front of the school
  • Parents should not come to school, call the school or call a student’s cell phone. Students need to focus on the instructions from the teachers. Parents will not be allowed near the students until
  • Command Team determines that it is safe and appropriate to do so.Command Team will determine whether it is safe to return to school, close school, or if an evacuation to the secondary site is needed.
  • If the school is unsafe to return to, parents/guardian will be contacted to pick up students from the evacuation site. Parents should look for the reunification area so that students can be signed out in an orderly manner.
  • News media will be notified.
  • Command Team may determine that an evacuation to the secondary site (Waiau District Park, Recreation Center) is needed. If so, school personnel will implement the secondary site evacuation plan and the same procedures will be in place.