Who We Are
Mrs. Lynne Cegler, School Counselor
Favorite Food: French Fries
Favorite Book: Sometimes I Feel Silly by Jamie Lee Curtis
Favorites Quote: “Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much”
Three Wishes:
1. I'd like peace, health and happiness for everyone
2. I want everyone to care about each other and get along
3. I'd like to eat anything without gaining weight!
Mrs. Shari Ito, PSAP
I am part of Waiau Elementary's Counseling Team. My first experience working with students started in 1979 at Pohukaina School which is located in the Kakaako area. I worked with disabled and special needs students. My career journey has been in accounting, medicine and education. My passion is working with people - students, parents, teachers and helping others. I've been here at Waiau since 2001 as Waiau's PSAP (Primary School Adjustment Program) Assistant and Liaison.
Favorite Food: Any kind of pasta
Favorite Book: Cat In The Hat by Dr. Seuss
Three Wishes:
1. I want a pot bellied pig
2. I'd like to go camping all the time
3. I'd like to live in a large castle!
Mr. David Nakamura, School Based Behavioral Health
As a School Based Behavioral Health Specialist, I provide positive behavioral support to students at various schools in the Pearl City Complex, under the umbrella of DOE’s Comprehensive Student Support Services.