Ms. Daughertyʻs Class P5

Course Description

Welcome to First Grade in P5!
I am excited to be teaching all our young learners in my class this year. We have a lot to learn and I know we will work to be successful and ready for second grade. I believe that all students can learn and make progress toward meeting his/her goals. I look for the strengths in each child and try to nurture these, whether in the core subjects of English Language Arts and Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, or Art, or simply the personal interests of the child! Together, student, parent, and I work on each studentʻs challenges.
While academics are important to provide a solid background for student success, social emotional health, creativity, and FUN are also primary needs of each student. In order for each child to be successful, I encourage my students to be able to focus during instructional time and follow the 3 Take Cares - Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Others, and Take Care of Your School - and be good global citizens. I ask my students, "Do you want to learn a little or a lot?" They respond, "A LOT!" I tell my students if we can learn to focus we can learn A LOT! I want the best for each child, academically, behaviorally, and socially.
I look forward to working with you this year!
Ms. Daugherty
Here are some links to resources I will be using in my classroom this year:
Student and Classroom Happenings:
Information about the State Standards we will be covering this year:
English Language Arts (see attached documents):
Mathematics (see attached documents):
Social Studies