Kumu Kane's 4th Grade Class

Course Description

Welcome to Grade 4.
In the fourth grade we will study the life and times of ancient Hawaiians.  We will integrate their traditional Hawaiian values in our daily school lives like: ‘imi ‘ike (to seek knowledge), laulima (to work cooperatively), kuleana (to be responsible) and pono (to be moral and proper). With your help and support we will nurture wonderful children who are life long learners.


Oli Mahalo

To play recording of oli, press the title, Oli Mahalo, directly above. 
‘Uhola ‘ia ka makaloa lā
Pū‘ai i ke aloha ā
Kūka‘i ‘ia ka loa lā
Pāwehi mai nā lehua.
Mai ka ho‘oku‘i a ka hālāwai lā
Mahalo e nā akaua,
Mahalo e nā kūpuna lā ‘eā
Mahalo me ke aloha lā,
Mahalo me ke aloha lā