School Policies » School Procedure

School Procedure

The SchoolConnects notification system automatically calls parents whenever a child is marked absent (unexcused) from class. If you receive an automated call, please call the school office to let us know the reason for the absence. If you know in advance that your child will be absent (trip, appointment...), please inform the school office prior to the event. Please inform the office before 8:30 am if your child will be out sick. We can then input the excused absence into the system and you will not receive an automated call.
  • Teachers provide positive reinforcement to encourage regular attendance
  • Teachers provide all students the opportunity to make up work that is missed. Student shall not be given an automatic "U" for class lesson missed. However, GLO marks should reflect missing and incomplete work.
5th tardy or 5th unexcused absence 
  • Attendance clerk may notify parent and Attendance Concerns First Notice will be sent to the parent/guardian of student through the classroom teacher
  • Teacher will have a conference with the parent through phone call or face-to-face conversation to discuss student's performance and other factors related to tardies and non-attendance
  • If tardies/absences interfere with education, teacher will communicate with counselor who may meet with student to discuss concerns and issues as appropriate
  • Vice Principal will be informed if there is a concern of student welfare
10th tardy or absence 
  • Attendance clerk may notify parent and will inform teacher, counselor and vice principal
  • Teacher will have a conference with the parent through phone call or face-to-face conversation to discuss student's performance and other factors related to tardies and non-attendance
  • Counselor will set up a mandatory meeting with an administrator to:
      • develop a plan: specific interventions/strategies for parents to support student
      • inform the parent(s) of state and DOE policies and laws.
13th tardy or absence (cumulative)
  • Attendance Concerns Second Notice will be sent to the parent/guardian of student through the classroom teacher and USPS mail
  • Counselor will set up a mandatory meeting with an administrator to:
    • develop a plan: specific interventions/strategies for parents to support student
    • inform the parent(s) of state and DOE policies and laws.
    • Social Worker may be invited to attend
The DOE has determined that 15 absences in a school year categorizes the student as having chronic absenteeism.  Parents are responsible for keeping absences under this 15 day mark.  If parents are unresponsive, school team may make a home visit and initiate the process for Family Court Petition on Educational Neglect