School Policies » School Guidelines on Tardies

School Guidelines on Tardies

Students not in class at the 7:50 a.m. bell are tardy. Tardy students should report to the office to obtain a tardy slip before going to the classroom. Student will need to report the reason for the tardy.
Excused Tardies are for one of the following reasons:
  1. Medical/dental appointment with note
  2. Detained by teacher/school official with note from that person
  3. Delayed school bus
  4. All excused absence reasons apply
  5. Unusual weather circumstances or other reasons approved by an administrator
Unexcused Tardies include:
  1. Overslept/late start
  2. Car trouble
  3. Missed the bus, ride was late
  4. Eating breakfast
  5. All unexcused absence reasons apply